Verschmelzung – zwischen den Kulturen und mittendrin
In den Details blüht die Liebe Verschmelzung ist eine wöchentliche Radiosendung, die jeden Sonntag von 13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr ausgestrahlt wird. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, das Verständnis und das Zusammenleben zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen zu fördern, indem es das Leben arabischer und kurdischer Flüchtlinge in Europa, insbesondere in Österreich, beleuchtet. Die Sendung umfasst vier Hauptabschnitte:…
a(rt) platform
Carina Dala and Lea Wiednig talk with queer, critical and non- western voices in arts. This podcast is an art mediation project that accompanies the collectively curated project „Visibility is Intersectional! Critical Non-Western, Migrant, and Post-migrant Voices in Alternative Publishing Culture“ which is part of the exhibition Queer*fem* magaZINES. Queer and Feminist Publishing in Art…
Radio Show of the Young Black Diaspora in Austria f „Not about us, but by and with us.“ This is the motto of freshVibes. freshVibes fosters cultural exchange with the Austrian society as well as within the Black communities in Austria to highlight its diversity and multifacetedness. freshVibes is dedicated to focussing on empowering and…
The Cocktail Exchange with Steven Hampton
A metamorphic beverage blended with the extension of Jazz music into other Genres. This is to include Jazz, Latin Jazz, Swing, Soul, R&B, House, and Rock to Pop. This is the bottom end of where it all began… Thru music, interviews and live performances, we shall explore how Jazz, with its roots deep into Blues…
Underground Waves Urgently (UWU)
(Diese Sendung war von November 2021 bis November 2024 im Programm) Underrepresented music from Club and Cyberculture 1️ Underground: We pursue the cutest (´꒳`) and most sinister (•̀ω•́ ) musical subcultures through the labyrinthine crypts and paranoid circuitry of the internet. 2️ Waves: We try to showcase music that we think is enjoyable and of…
Whats Up, EU?
(Diese Sendung war von Juli bis August 2021 im Programm) Your extra dose of EU news. What’s Up, EU? is an independent news programme looking at European Union politics and policy. Once a month, What’s Up, EU? provides you with an extra dose of information and insights on latest EU matters. Whether reporting on Parliament,…
The Good News
Neue Ideen für eine neue Welt „The Good News – Neue Ideen für eine Neue Welt“ ist eine Radiosendung, in der kollektive Weisheiten gesammelt und geteilt werden, um die schönste und lebenswerteste Welt zu verkörpern und zu erschaffen, von der wir wissen, dass sie möglich ist. Sie verwebt Musik, Interviews mit inspirierenden Menschen und bemerkenswerte…
Der andere Blick auf Südasien von Amin Rao Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to let you know about Asientalk. This radio broadcasts aim is, to discover the creativity and diversity of cultures and highlight them to the public. I would appreciate participants from South Asia who wants to share his/her experience with us.…
The football hour with JP
(Diese Sendung war von August 2020 bis Juni 2021 im Programm) Scores, results, interviews Live scores, results and updates from The English Premier league, German and Austrian Bundesliga, football news and fan interviews. I’m JP and I’m a huge football fan and want to share my love of the game with you. Sendezeit: Jeden…
Sonic Investigations
(Diese Sendung war von März bis September 2020 im Programm) Observing Auditive Structures These Investigations are performed through observing auditive structures, both arranged pieces and natural soundscapes. Every issue takes the listener on a journey without genre-boundaries, seeking sub-consciousness, subliminal irregularities in the smoothness of scapes. Sonic Investigations is curated and (possibly voiced) narrated by…