Radiofabrik – Community Media Association Salzburg
(Short Name: Radiofabrik Salzburg)
ZVR-Number: 546011318
PIC 936180563 -> Retrieved from the register of the European Commission
Association Purpose: Association for Promoting Regional Community Radio and Community Television Projects
Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5
(= Josef-Preis-Allee 16)
5020 Salzburg, Austria E.U.
Phone Office: +43 662 84 29 61
Phone Studio: +43 662 84 29 61-55
Fax: +43 662 84 29 61-18
Mail: office@radiofabrik.at
Inhaltsverzeichnis [Ausblenden]
Association Board & Management
Board: Susanne Imhof (Chair), Wolfgang Stöger (Treasurer), Ricarda Drüeke (Secretary), Eva Maria Kubin, Gunther Engetsberger

Managing Directors: Alf Altendorf (Financial), Carla Stenitzer (Programme & Workshops)

Supervising Authority following ECG (Austrian E-Commerce Law): RTR – KommAustria
Legal Regulation: Austrian Private Radio Law
Radiofabrik is 24% Shareholder of FS1 – Community Television Salzburg Ltd.
Bank Account & VAT
Bank Account Name: Verein Freier Rundfunk Salzburg
Account-Nr. 00113472, BLZ 35034
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Salzburg Liefering-Maxglan-Siezenheim EGen
IBAN: AT52 3503 4000 0011 3472
VAT (Value Added Tax) Identification Number: ATU52434307
Mission Statement
Radiofabrik – Salzburg’s only Community Radio station: Good to listen!
We are the non commercial Community Radio of Salzburg (-> Purpose and goals of Austrian community media you can read here)
Everyone is welcome to take part in our activities.
This results in a wide social, cultural and generational diversity. And – of course – a music catalogue beside the mainstream.
Who are we?
We understand ourselves as community.
- Our members produce radio shows on their own initiative and responsibility. They have free access to the studio and the equipment.
- Our staff takes care of infrastructure, finance and training.
- Both staff members and radio makers are part of the non-profit association „Freier Rundfunk Salzburg.
What are we doing?
- We produce original content
As an open and lively community radio we give people the chance to create their own shows. News are covered by our editorial staff, which focuses on local culture, civil society and music. - We spread knowledge
As an educational institution we impart media skills and media literacy in the field of radio-journalism and radio-making. We run projects - We have experience with local, national and international media projects.
In this context we pursue three main goals: attracting marginalised social groups to the community, bringing innovation and fostering the development of media policies.
Our values
- Open access
Everybody is welcome in the Radiofabrik community. Especially groups and people who are underrepresented in other media. - Freedom of expression
Our members work on their own responsibility. Besides media laws, only six restrictions limit the freedom of expression on air: Sexism, racism, glorification of violence, antidemocratic contents, religious propaganda and commercial advertising are not allowed. - Independence
We are independent from national, commercial and religious institutions and political parties. - Diversity
We represent the social and linguistic diversity of Salzburg on and off air.
- Quality
We improve ourselves through a well-built feedback culture, continuous training, and education.
- Good working conditions
We offer clear expectations and fair payment for employees.
How do we finance Radiofabrik?
- Self-generated income
e.g. project development, media training and education. - Public support
Austrian community media is supported by a share of the national television and radio licence fees. Radiofabrik also receives financial support from the city and the state of Salzburg. - Donations, sponsoring, membership fees, voluntary work…
Join us:
3 Steps and YOU are radio
You have a capturing program idea around a topic of your interest? A social concern? Music that just has to get out there, …
Send us an email at programm(at)radiofabrik.at or visit us in person to become part of our Radiofabrik community.
1. Become a member of the democratic association Verein Freier Rundfunk Salzburg. For a yearly membership fee of 35€ standard, 25€ reduced (students, retirees, community servants,…) and 140€ for organisations, you can use our infrastructure.
2. For you to be able to make the most out of our equipment, we offer two-day basics workshops. We’ll show you the ropes regarding programme ideas, planning and general procedure.
3. Signing our broadcast agreement, which states all rights and obligations or programme creators, officially makes you member of the biggest community radio in western Austria. The coolest, most critical and independent medium of Salzburg.
Proud to be Radiofabrik
Radiofabrik Broadcast Areas
Salzburg´s most suspenseful radio station on your most loved entertainment devices.
- 107,5 MHz (UKW)
City of Salzburg, Flachgau, Tennengau, Pinzgau & areas in Bavaria and Upper Austria near the Salzburgian state border - 97,3 MHz (UKW)
City of Salzburg (South), Pinzgau - 103,8 MHz (UKW cable channel 15)
in analogue cable of Salzburg AG(Flachgau, Tennengau, Mondsee) - Kanal 42 (Digital, DVB-C, K42, 642 MHz, 6.900 Ks/s, 256 QAM)
in digital cable of Salzburg AG (whole state of Salzburg)
Media education and media literacy is important for us.
Radiofabrik offers a variety of workshops for members as well as external interested parties.
More detailed information on our workshops is only available in german, please reach out to our team or workshops@radiofabrik.at for more information.
Basic workshop – our radio „drivers license“ for everyone interested
Feedback workshop – radioshows revisited
Jingle – your audio logo
Audio editing – cutting and recording audio with audacity
Studio II – the brush-up for existing members
For other workshops in english, contact workshops@radiofabrik.at and we may be able to arrange a workshop.
A „Broad Cast“ – Our Team
General Office Hours: Mo – Th 10 – 17:00; Fr 10 – 15:00
General Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 0
Staff Extensions below!
Office Mail: office@radiofabrik.at

Alf Altendorf – Managing Director (Administration – Financial)
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 29
Mobile: +43 699 – 1430 1075
Mail: a.altendorf@radiofabrik.at
Office Hours: Mo – We 10 – 17h
Carla Stenitzer – Managing Director (Administration – Programme & Workshops)
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 23
Mail: c.stenitzer@radiofabrik.at
Office Hours: Tue – Fr 10 – 17h
Regina Würz – Office Management
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 22
Mail: r.wuerz@radiofabrik.at
Office Hours: Tue – Fr 10 – 17h
N.N. – Apprentice Media Design
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 13
Romana Stücklschweiger – Music Editor
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 0
Mail: r.stuecklschweiger@radiofabrik.at
Nikolaj Fuchs – Music Editor
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 0
Mail: n.fuchs@radiofabrik.at
Christoph Huber – IT
Phone: +43 699 – 1431 1075
Krystian Koenig – Sound Engineering, General R & D
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 0
Patrick Bohn – IT
Phone: +43 662 – 84 29 61 – 0
Approach routes to Radiofabrik´s Head Office & Studio:


from Central Train Station by Cab app. 10 Minutes, or from Central Train Station by Bus Line 5
Approach Road Josef-Preis-Allee or Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Strasse.
Attention: Access to Parking Area at Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Strasse only! Parking Tickets for ShowGuests & Program Creators are available at our Office.
from Salzburg International Airport by cab app. 15 Minutes, or from Munich International Airport (next busy main hub) by train-connection in app. 3 Hours / or Busshuttel
Recommended Accommodations
JUFA Salzburg (neighbouring building!)
Our regular partner for visitors who need accommodations
Other hotels in different categories:
Hotel Via Roma (1km), Nonntaler Hauptstrasse 47, hotelviaroma.com
Radiofabrik-Studios in ARGEkultur-Building
-> Entrance
-> 20m straight through the building
-> Stairs or elevator
-> 1st floor „Radiofabrik“
ESC – European Solidarity Corps
Since 2004 Radiofabrik is receiving organisation accredited to run projects under the European Solidarity Corps – part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.
We are one of Salzburg´s most experienced organisations in integrating international, motivated volunteers in a team running a diverse regional media project.
We host one young volunteer, helping to establish & run media projects for Salzburgs Community Radio Station in contact with local culture, music & refugee communities.
More Info and links to our former volunteers you can find here (in German).
RADIOFABRIK.AT (RADIOFABRIK.EU, RADIOFABRIK.AT a.o.) and subdomains are websites and blogs dedicated to all things „Radiofabrik“ and with a special something for our Salzburgian listeners, readers, partners and customers.
From shows and broadcasts to projects and stuff related to our organisation and its backgrounds, we strive to be your one-stop solution for any and everything related to Radiofabrik and its programmes. Throw in a radio, some hundred makers, some great team authors, regular blog posts and reviews, and podcasts, and various web X.0 activities and you’ve got yourself a full fledged portal-website. Yeah, even we were surprised ;-).
Radiofabrik maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its programmes, projects and initiatives in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. Please contact our IT-team.
However Radiofabrik accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.
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