Broken Error # 010: Legacy of a Late Century
Samstag, 26. April 2014 ab 22:00 Uhr: In this (temporarily) last episode of Broken Error it’s time to look back in the 1990s, at the beginnings of Glitch music, Intelligent Dance Music, Clicks & Cuts and the forgotten Leftfield-genre named by the same called band. Historical Bonustrack: John Cage (September 5, 1912 – August 12,…
Broken Error #009: Telefon Tel Aviv – The Hefty Years
Sonntag, 23. März 2014 ab 18 Uhr: Telefon Tel Aviv is a New Orleans-derived, Chicago-based American electronic music act, formerly comprising Charles Cooper and Joshua Eustis. Telefon Tel Aviv continues with Eustis as the sole official member since Cooper’s accidental death in 2009 (an event often falsely reported as a suicide). Eustis is also known…
Broken Error # 008: Skip da Hit
Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014 ab 18:00 Uhr: Some call it Pop, some call it Mainstream. The well known output of the legion of legends and good selling artists, dominating the international charts and medias. And they’re often get remixed and sometimes also “reglitched” – reason enough to spend a whole episode of Broken Error with…
Broken Error: #007 Storm of Splinters
Sonntag, 26. Jänner 2014 ab 18:00 Uhr: Beware: Hard stuff in this episode of Broken Error. A Hurricane of razorsharp splinters, spinning across the stereofield, seem to collide with time itself, creating a mindblowing soundexperience – nothing for nervous and sensitive people! Historical Bonustrack: Karlheinz Stockhausen (22 August 1928 – 5 December 2007) was a…
Broken Error: #006 Who the Glitch is Uwe Schmidt
Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013 ab 18:00 Uhr: In this Special we examine the work of German electronic musician Uwe Schmidt who is better known under his aliases Atom™, Atom Heart, Lassigue Bendthaus and Señor Coconut. He worked indeed under many pseudonyms, monikers and “working titles”, in different constellations (with international artists like Bill Laswell, Tetsu…
Broken Error # 005: Intonation/Detonation
Image by Bokeh Burger (Creative Commons). All rights reserved. Sonntag, 24. November 2013 ab 18:00 Uhr: Classical Music – it’s not everyone’s favorite! Maybe a spoonful of handsome electronica and fine arranged glitches will convince you too. You like pianos? Then you will love this months episode: As a special surprise we’re presenting you a…
Broken Error # 003: How 2 fake a Panda…
Sonntag, 22. September ab 18:00 Uhr: This time’s Broken Error is compiled by guest artist Dafake Panda, maybe known by some of you from our group IDM | Glitch | Clicks & Cuts on Facebook. Dafake Panda is a French electronic producer, free-jazz drummer, multi instrumentalist and sonic tweaker. In his own Dadaist demeanor, he explores…
Broken Error: # 002 They’ll gonna cut you up!
Sonntag, 25. August 2013 ab 18:00 Uhr: The next step in our broadcast presents various artists again with very colourful output between soft (Matthew Herbert Big Band) and hard glitches (Venetian Snares), South America (Los Samplers) and Japan (sanmi), possibly well known (Twerk) and previously unknown artists (kARHu). And there’s also some interesting historical stuff again at the end,…
BROkEN ErRor – Fehler ist nicht gleich Fehler
Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013 ab 18:00 Uhr: Diese Sendung beweist, dass man auch mit “fehlerhaftem” Sound interessante Stücke spielen kann und das quer durch alle Genres und Nationalitäten! In our first broadcast we give you a little introduction. Jazz, Ambient, Rock, Pop, Drum ‘n’ Bass… in all that genres you can find that wonderful glitchy…
Glitch |Clicks & Cuts 2011 hat Radiofabrik-Urgestein Peter.W. die Facebook-Gruppe IDM | Glitch |Clicks & Cuts gegründet. Seitdem haben er und seine KollegInnen aus aller Welt unzählige Beiträge zu den entsprechenden und verwandten Musikrichtungen gepostet. Aus diesem reichhaltigen Repertoire schöpfend kehrt er nun mit Broken Error ins Programm zurück und teilt mit uns seine Faszination…
Sendungen zum Nachhören
They’ll gonna cut you up!
The next step in our broadcast presents various artists again with very colourful output between soft (Matthew Herbert Big Band) and hard glitches (Venetian Snares), South America (Los Samplers) and Japan (sanmi), possibly well known (Twerk) and previously unknown artists (kARHu). And there’s also some…
Glitch – An Introduction
In our first broadcast we give you a little introduction. Jazz, Ambient, Rock, Pop, Drum n Bass… in all that genres you can find that wonderful glitchy sound that’ll blow your mind. And at the end there are two historical pieces that give you some…